yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That is why it is the present.

Try to live each day as it should be lived, with joy and gratitude, peppered with humility........

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

the barefoot boy by John Greenleaf Whitter

Blessings on thee, little man,

Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan!

With thy turned-up pantaloons,

And thy merry whistled tunes;

With thy red lip, redder still

Kissed by strawberries on the hill;

With the sunshine on thy face,

Through thy torn brim's jaunty grace;

From my heart I give thee joy, -

I was once a barefoot boy!

Prince thou art, - the grown-up man

Only is republican.

Let the million-dollared ride!

Barefoot, trudging at his side,

Thou hast more than he can buy

In the reach of ear and eye, -

Outward sunshine, inward joy:

Blessings on thee, barefoot boy!

Oh for boyhood's painless play,

Sleep that wakes in laughing day,

Health that mocks the doctor's rules,

Knowledge never learned of schools,

Of the wild bee's morning chase,

Of the wild-flower's time and place,

Flight of fowl and habitude

Of the tenants of the wood;

How the tortoise bears his shell,

How the woodchuck digs his cell,

And the ground-mole sinks his well;

How the robin feeds her young,

How the oriole's nest is hung;

Where the whitest lilies blow,

Where the freshest berries grow,

Where the ground-nut trails its vine,

Where the wood-grape's clusters shine;

Of the black wasp's cunning way,

Mason of his walls of clay,

And the architectural plans

Of gray hornet artisans!

For, eschewing books and tasks,

Nature answers all he asks;

Hand in hand with her he walks,

Face to face with her he talks,

Part and parcel of her joy, -

Blessings on the barefoot boy!

Oh for boyhood's time of June,

Crowding years in one brief moon,

When all things I heard or saw,

Me, their master, waited for.

I was rich in flowers and trees,

Humming-birds and honey-bees;

For my sport the squirrel played,

Plied the snouted mole his spade;

For my taste the blackberry cone

Purpled over hedge and stone;

Laughed the brook for my delight

Through the day and through the night,

Whispering at the garden wall,

Talked with me from fall to fall;

Mine the sand-rimmed pickerel pond,

Mine the walnut slopes beyond,

Mine, on bending orchard trees,

Apples of Hesperides!

Still as my horizon grew,

Larger grew my riches too;

All the world I saw or knew

Seemed a complex Chinese toy,

Fashioned for a barefoot boy!

Oh for festal dainties spread,

Like my bowl of milk and bread;

Pewter spoon and bowl of wood,

On the door-stone, gray and rude!

O'er me, like a regal tent,

Cloudy-ribbed, the sunset bent,

Purple-curtained, fringed with gold,

Looped in many a wind-swung fold;

While for music came the play

Of the pied frogs' orchestra;

And, to light the noisy choir,

Lit the fly his lamp of fire.

I was monarch: pomp and joy

Waited on the barefoot boy!

Cheerily, then, my little man,

Live and laugh, as boyhood can!

Though the flinty slopes be hard,

Stubble-speared the new-mown sward,

Every morn shall lead thee through

Fresh baptisms of the dew;

Every evening from thy feet

Shall the cool wind kiss the heat:

All too soon these feet must hide

In the prison cells of pride,

Lose the freedom of the sod,

Like a colt's for work be shod,

Made to tread the mills of toil,

Up and down in ceaseless moil:

Happy if their track be found

Never on forbidden ground;

Happy if they sink not in

Quick and treacherous sands of sin.

Ah! that thou couldst know thy joy,

Ere it passes, barefoot boy!

one year on....

again I have been a bad blogger.
how has my world changed in the last year?
Well. I now live in Derbyshire. I am no longer single. We live with a wonderful man who we all love very much. DD.
We met at few years ago but became a couple a little over a year ago. Life has never been sweeter. He has made the skies blue again.
We are very happy :)

this is the official "happy dance"

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

freerange children....
A wonderful idea and the way forward in my opinion. More of this I say!

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

time ticks on....

very quickly it seems. We are into the first week of the summer holidays and I have such plans for myself and the ferals. A true Swallows and Amazons summer. The tent has been acquired and some plans have been made. Some are more likely to be a bit more spontaneous. A good week at the Gower is on the cards with the Wee ones. Playing on the beach and fish and chips a plenty. Lets pray the sun keeps shining.
We have had a fair bit of rain in the last few weeks but the garden has enjoyed it and is growing well. The bits the chickens have not nibbled anyway. I seem to be in for a tomato and courgette glut :)
The brooder is full again with both ducklings and chicks. They are so sweet.

As for the Fibro, it's hell. I suppose it often will be. It hurts. I feel like I have been hit by a bus today but never the less, life is for living. Frankly I am going to damn well live it. My cup is neither half full nor half empty but overflowing.

but on the quiet ow ow ow ow ow ow !

Monday, 31 May 2010

Adult learners festival

It was a long week for CADW last week but such a rewarding one. On Monday I spent the day at the top of a spiral staircase with my spinning wheel. I taught several people to spin. I had a long and complicated chat with a polish woman who didn't speak English, about how her Mother still earned a living from her wheel. This involved lots of pidgin English and a notebook of drawings between us. Such a lovely lady and so refreshing to find a person who was not willing to let a trivial thing like a language barrier get in the way. I also found out that it was a good friends birthday that day. I was a tad cross to have not been informed but spent a worthwhile few minutes choosing a card and thus finding a book that I have since poured over. " the lolly pop shoes"
The next stop on my Cadw tour of Wales was Caerwent.
Upon arrival I found that I was to spend the day with a dear friend S. A gem of a woman with such inspiring knowledge. I got to play at being Roman Woman and had a the most blissful makeover. This is a relevant place for a link to S's fabulous book...
Thursday brought St David's palace and medieval herbalist. Here I found my new found herbal knowledge came into it's fore. Of course all put into a first person capacity...A wonderful place and dear to my heart. I will always treasure St David's palace..A place of joy and discovery.
and last but by no mean least Laugharne. Famed for it's Dylan Thomas connections, you may find the Castle becomes secondary. This castle, however, has such beauty. A true home and a good feel. I loved being here and got to play Tudor Gentry to boot. Lady Perrot entertained en mass. I also found the most wonderful and talented silversmith around the corner from the castle. Such beautiful pieces. When I returned at the end of the day he had shut up shop. I was somewhat disappointed but at least I know have a reason to return :)
Bless welsh castles, I love them all

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Super Centre Parks.....

wow, what a way to spend a birthday. I had all the ingredients for the perfect birthday. Good food, good company, good venue. This year was spent at centre parks with the bath crew and M. It was fantastic. We arrived Friday evening and indulged in a fabulous meal and a few good glasses of bubbly. G was a huge hit all round and all the girls fell for her charms. Saturday brought a long walk with M and then a play in the pool. The evening was a girls evening of food, cake, drinks and silly games. The best of all was the day in the spa on Sunday. Followed by a wonderful Indian meal. om nom nom.
As for the company, I missed J but the others were wonderful...such great girls. Next time is already being planned :)

Monday, 19 April 2010

'Tis a silly place!

Today was probably one of the silliest days I have had in a long time. It started with me standing in Cossie, Covered in fake dirt, drinking god awful tea from a plastic cup, at an unearthly hour.........

Obviously another stint of "rent a peasant" at the Medieval Village. This time it is a car advert. The synopsis is that we are in a cart showroom where all sorts of pythonesque shenanigans occur. I have roped in my good friend M, and we cannot seem to spend a day behaving ourselves. We have laughed and laughed. My sides hurt from the shrieking. M has developed a wonderful "mad hag" cackle. I have become uber wench. I never thought you could have so much fun if you just left the inhibitions behind and agree to have the odd tooth blacked out.

There was also Polo, the adorable, stunt donkey. My call ducks and geese got a look in and I think William the cockerel may let the fame go to his head......

and I get to do it all again later in the week!

Life is grand....


A (2) acting (1) chickens (1) children (1) Fibromialgia (3) Garden (1) Georgie (2) insomnia (1) L (2) pain (1)


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