yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That is why it is the present.

Try to live each day as it should be lived, with joy and gratitude, peppered with humility........

Thursday 18 February 2010

A good spring clean!

Time to de-junk...
both emotionally and physically. I have decided that living in a tip is getting me down. I keep tripping over things (not just G) and stubbing my toes. there is too much in this house. I need to have a huge cull. I thought I would start with a cobweb cull. It is so much easier to de-clutter in a tidy house. So far so good. I have a spotless bedroom. My little haven. It is mine and only mine. I remember we would have to have permission to go into my parents room as children and feel that I will be following suit. Until A can learn not to leave a trail of devastation wherever she goes, then she can only be in my room with permission. As for L he sees no reason to be in there anyway. It is here I sit and read, here I think, it is here I can relax and I no longer want to do this in a mess made by others. So one room down!
L's room, check! I am not best pleased at having to do this myself and think when all the tidying/spring cleaning is done I will be placing a rota of chores and house rules up on the kitchen wall. Simple rules, put away what you have used. Wash the dish you have just dirtied and put the laundry in the basket....not rocket science really. That make two..
The living room, no more cups left to sit, no more animal hospitals and no more cobwebs! It is a nice bright yet cosy room I would like to sit in it without sighing... That makes three..

tomorrows list?

hall, conservatory, A's room, bathroom.....deep breath and dive in.......

then a weekend free to garden....heaven :)

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