yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That is why it is the present.

Try to live each day as it should be lived, with joy and gratitude, peppered with humility........

Tuesday 9 February 2010

stinking cold

I have a nose the size of a mountain and a head full of snot! Pretty description eh?
I am having a grumpy old evening. I have the sort of cold that starts off as an irritation. The type you know you need to take care of but just don't have the time. So spending the day waxing lyrical about Being the founder and Patron of the wonderful St Peters school in Blaenavon and educational reform I feel like I have had a day long diet of teasels. 3 full sessions of 1.5 hrs a go means 4.5 hours of solid talking...cough cough wheeze. Poor old Miss Hopkins had consumption. I also was told I looked like I was a mad lady who wears a nightie all the time, a princess, a queen and a very, very rich person. All good descriptions of Miss Sarah Hopkins IMHO.
Considering my physical woes I am reasonably chipper. But my physical woes are indeed woes. This cold is driving me loopy. I ache all over, my nose is like a radish, my limbs feel like lead and my head has a permanent background throb. The thing is, would I feel this appalling if it wasn't for the fibro. I have been told by the Gp that all physical ailments will be exasapated by up to ten times. My silly brain keeps telling my nerves to over react so a simple cold will leave me wiped out for sometime. I have so many plans this year I really don't want another year of not quite getting there because I seem to be sleep walking through too many days. I have so much to give, so much to do and so much to experience.
The words of my specialist and Gp keep echoing in my ears. Statistics haunt me late at night. "80% of fibro sufferers end up wheelchair bound", "you cannot give in to it or you will deteriorate", "it is ok to admit to being depressed" I AM NOT BLOODY WELL DEPRESSED I AM IN PAIN!
I was advised to get a dog?!? I ask you what a strange thing for a doctor to say. But after chatting about it, being made to see how the responsibility of a dog will make me get up everyday and go for a walk. Keeping muscles supple and moving. the more gentle exercise the better I will fell given time. However is cleaning dog muck off my cream conservatory carpet over and over gentle exercise or a soul destroying task?
I am run down and tired. I cannot sleep unless medicated. I wake up to 14 times a night with burning muscles and aching joints. I am weary.....
I have a cold sore, a mouth ulcer and a cold....
I still find my cup is overflowing but I feel the need to sit and take a breath. Unfortunately it is a wheezy rattle. My chest hurts, I know this pain, I have recognised this chest pain since having pleurisy when I was 18. It is very probably the onset of bronchitis. I sit and wait in apprehension. It was and has been a regular occurrence over the winter months in the past. I have been blessedly free for the last 3 winters. So I am waiting to see how painful it will be with fibro. I would say I am holding my breath but I may go blue.

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