yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That is why it is the present.

Try to live each day as it should be lived, with joy and gratitude, peppered with humility........

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Rainbows End (one for P)

Oh how I adore Rainbows End, and all that it brings. P is my port in the storm. My piece of mind. My sanity. My dear, dear P.
What a woman. How can I express all that she is and do her full justice, a fighter, a carer, a source of endless wisdom, understanding and patience. If I could be half the woman she is then a remarkable woman I would be. A true survivor in every sense of the word. 10 acres of bliss are hers, but she dose not hide them covetously. She shares all she has open heartedly Using the magic of the place to help and heal troubled souls. Little does she realise that if it was not for her it would be mearly a farm. Albeit, a beautiful scrap of land. But all that it is, is infused will all that is her. She is purely an inspiration. A marvel to watch. A beauty to behold. I am finding it harder and harder to tear myself from it's gentle caress each time I leave. A and L seem to truly be themselves there. Not a care in the world and a childhood filled with promise. As it should be. Each season blesses the rainbow with it's own charms. Winter brings frost, snow and isolation. A silent pause on the world, breathing gently, whispering of spring time promise. Crackling fires bring the scent of wood smoke, along with the spice of cup of everything cake.
Spring bounces in, chicks emerge eager to see the world while mother hen persistently pushes her little ones beneath her protective feathers. Lambs gambol, bandy legged in the dingle. Bleating for their fill from mother. The air has the fresh tang of newly emerging herbs at they become crushed underfoot. Eagerly climbing from their beds to fill every crack and crevice in pathways and walls.
Summer, a lazy drone of the busy honey bee. Filling their combs with amber glories. Vegetables tumble, bountiful from their beds, fighting each other to be chosen for the next harvest. All the while a lazy yet industrious hum, as all who belong come and go. Each bringing their piece of the rainbow tapestry.
Autumn, the nights draw in and still we sit outside. Wrapped in warmer clothes now, Homespun blankets adorn shoulders and knees while the bats wheel over head. Listening to the testy honking of grumpy geese as the days grow shorted and their bed ever nearer. The summer pims now, swapped for warming rich coffee. The wispy steam making swirls under your nose.
Yet all of this is simply an ideal, none of it would have the truth and honesy of being what it is without P! At rainbows end she is all!
whole heatedly I love her xxxx

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